
    • 中文名:瓦格纳·马拉
    • 英文名:Wagner Moura
    • 性别:
    • 星座:巨蟹座
    • 出生日期:1976-06-27
    • 出生地:巴西,巴伊亚,Rodelas
    • 职业:演员 / 导演 / 配音 / 编剧
    • imdb编号:nm0609944
    Moura was born in Salvador, a city located in Northeast Region of Brazil, but grew up in the small town of Rodelas, Bahia. His mother, Alderiva, was a housewife, and his father, José Moura, was a Sergeant in the Brazilian Air Force. At the age of 13, he moved with his family to Salvador, Bahia. Besides his acting career, Moura is a lyricist and the...