
    • 中文名:菲利普·诺伊斯
    • 英文名:Phillip Noyce
    • 性别:
    • 星座:金牛座
    • 出生日期:1950-04-29
    • 出生地:澳大利亚,新南威尔士,格里菲斯
    • 职业:导演 / 编剧 / 制片人 / 演员 / 摄影
    • imdb编号:nm0637518
    Born in the Australian outback town of Griffith, New South Wales, Phillip Noyce moved to Sydney with his family at the age of 12. As a teenager, he was introduced to underground films produced on shoestring budgets as well as mainstream American movies. He was 18 when he made his first film, the 15-minute Better to Reign in Hell (1969) utilizing a...